Blueprint Application 2024-25
Please note: Application is mandatory and applicants may apply in multiple areas (writing, graphics, etc…). In addition to a written application, we require a lunchtime interview. For more information and to sign up, go here.
Applications and interview sign-ups are due February 14th.
Writers - Please write your answers in the general questionnaire portion of this application and attach a copy of your best high school essay to the bottom of the application form.
Photographers/Graphics staff - Please write your answers to the general and graphics questionnaire portions of this application.
In addition to the general questionnaire either:
Choose five high quality photos, one of which should be of an Acalanes High School activity of your choosing.
Create 2 unique pieces of artwork for a story of your choice that appeared in any Blueprint issue during 2023 or 2024. You may do them by hand or digitally.
Attach your work (or pictures of your work) to the bottom of the application form.